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Your TMJ (temporomandibular) joint connects your jawbone to your skull. Each side of the jaw has one of these joints. TMJ disorders cause pain and discomfort in the jaw joint, as well as the surrounding muscles. The exact cause can be hard to pinpoint and pain can be caused by different factors, such as arthritis or genetics. In many cases, the discomfort is temporary and can be relieved with nonsurgical treatments. Some people may benefit from chiropractic care as a TMJ treatment in Westminster, Lakewood, and Aurora.

TMJ Symptoms

Symptoms and signs of TMJ disorders include pain in the jaw, aching in or around the ear, pain while chewing, and locking of the joint, which makes it hard to open and close the mouth. You may also hear a clicking sound when you chew or open your mouth.

When to See a Chiropractor

You should get medical attention if there is persistent tenderness and pain in your jaw or you aren’t able to close or open your jaw completely. Your chiropractor or a TMJ specialist can help discuss treatments and causes of the problem.

TMJ Treatment

There are different treatment options depending on your condition and the clinic you are visiting. Here at Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers, we provide drug-free non-invasive therapies, including physical therapy, oral splints, mouth guards, and counseling to educate you on behaviors that can cause your pain.

Visiting a Clinic to Help with TMJ

If you need TMJ treatment in Westminster, Lakewood, and Aurora, contact Metro Denver Accident & Injury Centers. We'll provide you with chiropractic treatments to reduce your TMJ symptoms as well as prevent those symptoms from returning again in the future.